
Flashback Friday

Friday, March 30, 2012

A blurry snapshot of our bed.... Gosh I love my bed. Sleep and burrowing under and peace and renewal. And fun bedding from a wedding gift...


Taking Mason Lodge photos for my high school students at the time--- they were totally intrigued by our crazy living situation, so I went around and took a bunch of snapshots to share with them one day.
Gosh. Remember that Mason Lodge? It was SO VERY MUCH our home... until it wasn't. And now, two years later, I am so glad for the change.


Noah, 4 months old. This is in our apartment, next to the one window that always had the best light. I'd been back teaching from my maternity leave for a couple of weeks and it was always such a relief to get home again and see my little one.
Photobucket Photobucket 


By this time I was a stay-at-home mom and my photography business was official... In these photos, it's tooth-brushing time... And then a shot from the next day, one of my favorite Noah photos from this time. He was almost 18 months old.

And yeah. Maybe I need this haircut back. 
Photobucket Photobucket 
A 2009 blog post: Noah and Daddy and a quote


 A sad little skeleton (he loved these glow-in-the-dark pajamas!)... clutching his dalmatian Lucky. Now, 2 years later, I cannot remember why he was sad. But that face is priceless. (2.5 years old.)

Beneath this photo, a random photo of tomatillos. I'd never seen tomatillos before-- not out of a salsa format-- and I was intrigued. They're quite pretty! Random to include here, but hey-- it was the one photo I took on the actual date of March 30-31 that year. Ha!
 Photobucket Photobucket A 2010 blog post: Mountain Dew-ish.

 The belly shot from week 38. Lucy was imminent... A year ago today, she wasn't yet here, and we were getting so close to being ready. 
Below, some Noah snapshots... He was almost 3.5, and the utter center of my world. Funny how the next kiddo comes and your center expands. I love that.
Photobucket PhotobucketThe Week 38 pregnancy post.

 Noah, muddy-faced from his frog field trip yesterday. Lucy, covered in refried beans from her first time being given the spoon to handle by herself. Two filthy, happy, amazing, beautiful kids. Photobucket


  1. ♥♥♥
    Loved these.

  2. How can a year be so short and so long all at the same time?? I don't know when you and I "met." I suppose sometime in 2008, as I got my camera at the end of 2007. So fun to see scenes from before I knew you.

    <3 <3 <3

  3. I love these flashback posts you've been doing! It's a lot of fun to jump back in time and remember those moments, and to remember what Noah looked like just a little while ago (He and Lucy just keep growing up, it's crazy!)


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