
Wordless Week: Day 3

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


Other participating blogs:
Samantha- (turn down your speakers, this one has a jukebox!)


  1. Love this wordless!

  2. I am feelin the Oreos! Have one for me! :)And I can't post on my blog fast enough! I am amazed by all you ladies who manage your time so super well!

    Now a quick question...part of a great photo is the lighting. How on earth do you manage such great light ALL THE TIME? Whats your secret ladies(especially you Miss Emily!)? :)

  3. If it's wordless week, I am not sure how I am supposed to leave a comment, lol. =)

    Your photos make me so happy. Thanks for sharing. <3 xoxo

  4. I swear, every wordless post (well, pretty much every post!)makes me just think that you live this picturesque, fab life...I know that things are not always easy in mommy-land, but rest assured that it looks so wonderful from the other end of the blog!!!

    Seriously, sooooooooooooo cute and fun looking...every day!

  5. Love Lucy's headband. Did you make that? So cute. And ditto on the lighting. Do you live in a glass house? What's your secret??

  6. I love so many things but I really love Lucy's birdie mobile! and her cute little head band. Fun times at the pool!

  7. Yes. I too am always in awe of the light you manage. I have lots of windows in my place and make it work but your house just seems so perfect! Also, did you make the shopping cart cover? I want to make one for the beanies but have to find a pattern. Maybe I'll just wing it... Take measurements next time I go shopping (because that won't look crazy at ALL.) and go from there. Maybe I'll get Pinned! haha!

    Also, I really want to get some sleepy shots of the babies but I would totally wake them up. :(

  8. Thanks for the sweet comments, ladies!!

    Amandas and Stephanie--- TRULY--- it is how I max out my settings on my camera!! SERIOUSLY! I am so intrigued that you guys are all so amazed! I maybe need to post a "behind the scenes" or "how-to" post after Wordless Week... My house is a sweet little house, built in the 1950's, and NOT swimming with BIG windows. It is quite average!!

    But I laughed at the "glass house" comment. Thanks for the compliments!!

    Jennie, TRUST me, this is NOT a lovely little life--- It occurred to me that I tend to not have my camera when the meltdowns are occurring, since I'm dealing with the issue... so this time I tried to catch a few of the less-lovely moments. Check out Lucy having a SUPER rough time between her naps... Teeth, I think (at least, I gave her Tylenol and hoped it would help!)

    It's a good life, but PLENTY tedious/frustrating/dirty/overwhelming/exhausting, too.

    Oh yeah, and note the McDonalds in Day 3. I give in to my weaknesses... a sure sign that all is not ideal all the time in my world! Haha!

    Stephanie-- I did make the headband, but not the actual flowers. I used some adorable Anthro paper clips I got as a gift that had these crocheted flower toppers.

    Amanda G- I was TERRIFIED of ever going NEAR my sleeping baby when it was my first... I was so scared I'd wake him. But this time, I HAVE to go wake my poor Lucy at least a couple of times a week to be able to go get Noah from preschool. It SUCKS, but it gives me opportunity to take more "nap photos", since I'm going in there anyway.

    (Ha! I am defying Wordless Week by "blogging" here in the comments. Oops!)


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