
Lucy: Eight Months Old

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


{If it seems like she's growing up faster than ever, it's not true--- I just posted her SEVEN month photos only 19 days ago. So it seems speedier than usual to already be at month 8.}

Lucy, at 8 Months:
* She has TWO TEETH! They are tiny and not really photographable just yet, but they are there. They gave us a week or two of sleep upsets, both with shortened naps for a week and then some extra wakings at night, but we're out of those woods for now and back to the usual routine.

* She is FINALLY rolling from tummy to back, frequently and consistently. No more "stuck on my tummy, come get me mama" crying from her crib.

* She is a champ with easy, soft finger foods. So far, she's only been given puffs, Rice Krispies, pieces of bread, and pieces of broccoli, and she's really good at getting the pieces in her pincer grip and getting it to her mouth. She LOVES this control!

* She's eating meat-baby food now. I make about 50% of the food she is eating, so her first meat was a ground beef and mixed veggie with pasta, pureed to a really good consistency, which I expected to be hard.

* She is destined to be musical, like Noah. She will "sing" along with me (or Grandma!) when we sing to her--- a sustained squawk note of co-singing. SO cute!

* She is finally moving into 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. She's been smallish all along, but is getting into a regular size now.

* Lucy's hair grows more abundant every week. Now, it officially grows in a mohawk-style, soft as goose down and fluffy and so blonde. I love it!

* She is nowhere near crawling, either army-style or regular. She loves just sitting up to play or laying on her back to play... Happy as a clam.

* She has just started getting REALLY good at putting herself to sleep--- she no longer needs or wants me to rock and pat her to near oblivion... She wants to work it out herself. Hooray, Lucy, but *sniff* Mama....

* She gets so excited to practice drinking from our glasses. We hold the glass to her mouth and she tries to get it all in... She is actually pretty good!

* She still LOVES the car and the stroller... But it has been months since she's fallen asleep in either. She is a crib baby, all the way.

And that's our LuLu... My sweet baby girl, TOTALLY worth the colic season to have this little one in our home now!


(to see the original idea for these monthly photos, click here.


  1. I hope my nephew can be as gorgeous and joyful as this little gal once he gets through this crappy colic stage. Babies are hard! She is so dang cute!

  2. Emily, she is absolutely adorable! You're one lucky mama!

  3. Your daughter is crazy adorable! Thank you for sharing bits of your life.


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