This week I get to tell you about Kara, one of the warmest, kindest, most supportive members of my photography circle that I know. She is so sincere, that even having never met her, I KNOW she is the "real deal". And hey-- the fact that her images are gorgeous and full of life is only a bonus.
Meet Kara:

Name: Kara Layfield
Studio Name: Kara Layfield Photography
Location: Salisbury, Maryland
Studio Name: Kara Layfield Photography
Location: Salisbury, Maryland
And a chosen favorite photo of hers:

About the image…
1) Why do you love this image?
1) Why do you love this image?
I love the feeling I get from looking at this image. It has such a timeless feel and his stare just captivates me. When I brought it up in PS, I knew black and white would be a perfect conversion for this image.
2) What were your settings with this image?
f/2.0, SS 1/1000, ISO 200
3) What do you love about photography?
I love how I am constantly learning every day. I love getting lost in the moment, I love the high I get from knowing that I’ve captured something special for my clients. I absolutely love the moment when a client sees their portraits for the very first time. Photography is my passion!
4) What type of photography do you specialize in and why?
Children & Seniors! I love how kids think and always do their own thing. I love capturing their curiosity and innocence. Seniors totally rock my world. I love to incorporate their interests into a session and let their personality shine. I must admit, when a senior arrives on location with super stylish clothes and accessories…I’m in heaven!
About your life?
5) What are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
Other than photography, I love being a Mom! It gives me the most joy and I love spending my free time with my kiddos!
6) Who or what inspires you?
Life! I am easily inspired by a piece of furniture, an article in a magazine, beautiful textures/patterns and the way a flower pushes up thru the concrete. It’s just those little things that make me take a second look and gets my head spinning with ideas.
7) A good portrait means:
I have done my job right. It means that the client has received exactly what they wanted and more and it means that I have used my skills to the best of my ability. A good portrait is more than looking pretty in a frame, it means that I have captured something so special that it makes you stop and take a second look.
8) Where do you go for design inspiration?
8) Where do you go for design inspiration?
I love to look thru magazines or online design blogs. Sometimes a song on the radio will lead to a beautiful idea.
9) What are you still learning?
9) What are you still learning?
Everything! I am constantly learning about photography. We are very fortunate to have such vast information available to us at the tip of our fingertips 24/7. If I hear a new term or editing style, off to Google I go.
10) What 3 words describe you/ your style?
10) What 3 words describe you/ your style?
Real, Fun & Relaxed
Kara, LOVE reading your insights and thoughts. Thank you for sharing your talent with me and with others. Love it!
{Next week, if I am not having a baby, I get to introduce you to the loveliest lady ever, Ms. Holly Olsen of Utah! Come back to check it out!}