Hi! How's life?
I'm sitting at my desk, at 10:55 pm, having edited 66 photos since 8pm. I don't know if that's slow... or fast... or normal... But it's pretty par for the course for me. It's been going pretty smoothly tonight. My focus is good (until now, ha!). I think it helps that no one seems to be online tonight, so I haven't gotten any juicy emails/twitters/
facebook notes/
ELW chatter....
MAN I'm pathetic. So tied in to my online universe. But I suppose since I am on this dang computer for HOURS each day, it can be understood.... A coping mechanism so the repetition of editing/proofing/working/bookkeeping/etc. doesn't bury me entirely.
Hm... Tangent. Back to business at hand. Amy G. and Beth M.... you have both been DEAR and SWEET and PATIENT with me as your photographer as I get through my May session backlog. And while we are still not at the finish line, and you both have a bit of a wait left, I wanted to give you a few sweet photos from your sessions-- I wanted you to
know I haven't
forgotten you!
Amy, you're first. I LOVED meeting you and playing with your sweet baby girl. She was a beauty! I had so much fun with you three! Enjoy a peek:
{removed by request from client}
{see that smile we caught? No worries on her intensity during the session. We got a few smiles!}
{removed by request from client}
{ I love the love between those two... After kids come along, this kind of love grows much deeper, but is harder to make time for. Trust me, I know. So when I catch a moment like this, it fills me with joy. Love is so COOL. You guys have it!}
Beth, you're up! We got those darling
Pink Photos... Now for a few more 'round
STL. You have such a sassy-pants daughter. You and Jason both have such amazing positive energy. And I am really really enjoying getting to know you better and better. Play date soon? Call me! (Love my November Mamas!)

{"Show me your teeth, Bella!"... Works every time with this cutie!!}
Ahh peeks! I am in AGONY over not getting all my sessions done yet. I have had some amazing clients in June, and I am still working frantically on my amazing MAY clients.... Remind me to NOT overbook like this
Future clients-- you listening? I can't overbook! I want to, but we ALL suffer!! So.... call me! Email! I am already full in September and October. We need to get you on the calendar!! :)
On to more randomness.... Oh. Okay, yeah--- Have I told you about the new collaborative blog I get to help
administer? I don't think I have.
Daily Morningness: Sharing Mornings From All Over
So... It's a
Photo Blog. Thirty photographers from all over the world, coming
together to share the blog and contribute to a common theme. In this case, the theme is mornings.. those quiet, not-quite-full-steam moments in the earliest parts of each of our days. Our assignment is to find one moment a morning to snap a photo of and share on the blog. It is such a cool, interesting collaboration. Some of the contributors have kids, so their mornings are full of the noises and
details of mom-life... Some of the contributors have gardens they spend their mornings in... Some work, some stay at home. Each have their own vision and passion, and the
personalities are really starting to emerge in the photographs they share.
A few of my entries:

My own personal goal for my entries is to SLOW DOWN and look for beauty in the
ordinary. To celebrate this life of mine RIGHT NOW, just as it is. I see that this is a common thread in all our entries-- beauty in the
ordinary. So... as if you don't have enough blogs to read... go check it out! Add it to your reader. Post a comment or two if a photo calls to you... Get to know the contributing artists. It is a neat and easy celebration of mornings and life and humanity.
A few last bits of RANDOM....
Remember how I watch
tv/movies/videos/etc. on my monitor behind my
Photoshop editing screen? For fun (and a bit of a confessional), here is a list of what I have watched recently. I'm warning you.... it is ARBITRARY, random, and sometimes
embarrassing. :)
Bachelorette (totally hooked!),
Here Come the Newlyweds, Wipeout
Hulu.com: Sliders, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Daily Show, SNL clips, Highlander, 30Rock, Intervention
Netflix: Three to Tango, Man Vs. Wild, Quantum Leap, Armageddon, Baby on Board, Dexter, Age of Innocence, Faerie Tale Theatre: Frog Prince, Mad Men, She's All That
Phew! But it gets me through!! I don't know what I'd do without something playing in the background!! Anyone want to weigh in on my good and bad choices here? Anything that horrifies you? Any guilty pleasures of your own, movie/tv-wise?
Last random bit, I promise, and it is just.... well.... 75% of my time and energy actually ISN'T photography... it's this:

And he is my WORLD. Well, his daddy, too. (Love that man!)
And Noah is amazing me right and left...
Talking so much,
delighting us with his dance moves, his sense of humor, his recall, and just his FACE, ya know? I mean, LOOK at it! He is AMAZING.
He calls me "mama"... He makes "beep-
boop-BOO-beep" robot noises. He pretends to vacuum the living room and says "
ooo!" and wants me to use the REAL vacuum all the time. He makes out with his
lamby-lovey then passes the soggy thing to ME to make out with. (I politely plant a light smooch on it, then pass it back.)
He loves apples ("
BAP-pos!"), cookies ("
goo-KEE? goo-KEE??")... grapes ("
peps"), and peas ("
He is.... just..... MAN I love him.
So. there. There ya go. Peeks. New blogs. My baby boy. And a pretty darn good life, documented for the moment.
Toodles! Back to editing. Let's get 17 more photos done and call it a night. And try to do it before 2 am.
fingers crossed!**