
33 Weeks...

Friday, February 25, 2011


Halfway through my 33rd week, and despite a wee little cold that is messing with me, it's been a pretty good week. I actually like this level of pregnancy--- big enough to be OBVIOUSLY pregnant, fun to feel the baby move, but not SO huge that it just HURTS to be big... That's yet to come, still. The rolling out of bed like some awkward big beached whale... The waddling... 

But for now, I'm just a nice kind of round, mostly pretty comfy, and totally charmed by my baby girl bumping around nonstop. 

And that is me. Week 33.


  1. you have such a cute little baby belly!!

  2. So cute! I am jealous because I am totally already a waddle and a half and rolling out of bed.

  3. My goodness, you look fabulous!

  4. I agree with Megan! You look SO GOOD.

  5. You look fantastic! Enjoy the last couple of weeks before your Lucy comes into the world. We'll have to get the Lucys together sometime!

  6. Beautiful! The rest is just going to FLY by, oh my goodness Lucy is one lucky lady :) I keep trying to convince my dh that "just one more" babe is waiting for us, but he is not falling for it. He insists that we'll be grandparents soon enough (AHHHHHHHH). I keep trying to explain to him that the whole "grandparents" arguement is not his best line of defense.

    Although, it makes sense.

  7. love the green!! that bd is superb! great lil bump you have there!! =)

  8. You are so freaking adorable I can't even stand it!!! <3

  9. You look awesome. Love all the different backgrounds you are using :-)


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