Remember this? (I'll keep the photo smallish, so as not to scare you any longer with that horrifying pile of CLUTTER!)

Well lookie here!!
Except.... this is just the ALMOST DONE phase...
How many of you work on projects like this-- ordering, organizing, tidying.... Only to end up with a whole NEW pile of clutter, reshuffled? Like as in here, on my bed, on the other side of the room?
Yikes. I got the desk in order... only to be left with all of this....EXTRA stuff. Ha! It never ends! And now there is no place to sleep!
So back to the piles I went, finding MORE ways to sort and reshuffle and toss and store.... And got my bed down to THIS, finally:
Much better! Manageable, even. Just this box--- destined to be shipped to a dear friend. (Does that dear friend recognize the content and know it is coming? Hmm???)
... and these. Just three remaining piles.
Left to right: 1.) a picture frame I painted red, but still needs to be varnished. Easy. Just gotta DO it. 2.) a dollar store red bulletin board. I want to put some other Noah stuff on there, including his name, to hang in his room... 3.) red box lid with stuff I do not need/want... but is nice still. So Goodwill? We'll see.

And that brings us to THIS:
The REAL final desk... a bit more stuff back on it after the bed purge... But this is more realistic. Fabric organized into bags beneath (not a pretty solution, but it works.)... A tray on the left with more urgent to-do projects... a "joy jar" from my beloved ELW'ers (see the orange and purple flowers in the center? That's my jar of thoughtful quotes and notes from my girls. THANK YOU, girls!!) and then the necessary files and piles and boxes and books that hold treasures and necessities... A MUCH more manageable desk, wouldn't you say??
And speaking of treasures---I found THIS--- a little bundle of joy I purchased on Etsy months ago, but quickly lost in shuffle:
They are packets of vintage ephemera (oh I am a sucker for ephemera!!!) The back packet is childrens' things, and the front packet is in my favorite colors, red and turquoise, and has flashcards, labels, etc. etc. And buttons! And Baker's Twine! Divine!!
(Go to Lilypad Lounge on Etsy to buy your own treasure bundles...Just because. It's such happy stuff!)
and lastly, I rediscovered this:
a gift, but one that never made it onto my baby... And actually, it wasn't made FOR Noah-- It was regifted to me, and while I adore it, I am thinking someone somewhere has the PERFECT home for it... Someone who can actually USE it?? (It would fit 3-6 months, probably.) Leave me a comment if you adore it and have to have it... If I get a crazy response, I'll draw a name. But if only one person really even wants it, it is yours.
Anyway. That was a sidetrack.
The point is, I REACHED MY GOAL. I loved having two hours to myself in the sunny morning when I am the most motivated... Thank you Joe. Thank you Noah. I found a little chi in that pile!!

Well lookie here!!

How many of you work on projects like this-- ordering, organizing, tidying.... Only to end up with a whole NEW pile of clutter, reshuffled? Like as in here, on my bed, on the other side of the room?

So back to the piles I went, finding MORE ways to sort and reshuffle and toss and store.... And got my bed down to THIS, finally:

Left to right: 1.) a picture frame I painted red, but still needs to be varnished. Easy. Just gotta DO it. 2.) a dollar store red bulletin board. I want to put some other Noah stuff on there, including his name, to hang in his room... 3.) red box lid with stuff I do not need/want... but is nice still. So Goodwill? We'll see.

And that brings us to THIS:

And speaking of treasures---I found THIS--- a little bundle of joy I purchased on Etsy months ago, but quickly lost in shuffle:

(Go to Lilypad Lounge on Etsy to buy your own treasure bundles...Just because. It's such happy stuff!)
and lastly, I rediscovered this:

Anyway. That was a sidetrack.
The point is, I REACHED MY GOAL. I loved having two hours to myself in the sunny morning when I am the most motivated... Thank you Joe. Thank you Noah. I found a little chi in that pile!!