Every once in awhile, and more often than I lately have time for, I get the creative ITCH. The need, the craving to create something out of nothing. To take bits and pieces and fluff and lovlies and doodads and combine them in a pleasing way. This urge might manifest in a batch of yummy, pretty cupcakes or a little stitched blankie for my baby... It might be satisfied with a batch of new photos or a scrapbook page. The two projects I'm showing you today are directly inspired by two very creative gals who seem to make time for their creative itch more than I do. One, Jaime, is a good friend. The other, Ali Edwards, is a "scrapbooking guru" whose blog I stalk. Both blogs are fun and inspiring, so go check them out.
So today, I'm going to show you two little books. The first is inspired by Jaime's amazing hybrid books here and here. Okay, maybe "inspired" is the wrong word. How about "directly and completely copied"? *wink*
Take a look at her book:
So today, I'm going to show you two little books. The first is inspired by Jaime's amazing hybrid books here and here. Okay, maybe "inspired" is the wrong word. How about "directly and completely copied"? *wink*
Take a look at her book:

The Photoshop layouts are cut out and glued to the board book pages.

(Thanks, Jaime, for letting me completely steal your idea. Maybe next time I'll try to be original. Or not. You're too inspiring for me to quit the plagarism. *sigh*)

...And this one is from Ali Edward's Weekend Creative Valentine's idea in early February, posted here. She gave a template ready to print and some excellent photo descriptions, and it seemed easy enough. So I whipped one together for my sweetie for his Valentine's card and added some little photos of our family. I wrote lots of sweet reasons he is awesome to finish the whole thing off. Cute!

...So there you go. Every so often there is time in my messy, loud, packed, stretched little life to make something out of nothing-- to fulfill that creative need. And these little books are tangible reminders that our life IS good and IS lovely, and that everything we have is everything we'll ever need. I need to remember to do this again. I need to remember that there will always be good stuff in the middle of the crazy stuff.
My life is pretty great. And I'm okay.
My life is pretty great. And I'm okay.