I've been home all day... Slept in, which was yummy, got up and cleaned a bit, took a nice shower and got ready for the day... worked on my Blurb Book (half done!!)... enjoyed some downtime with no expectations.
It all felt really nice until the sun went down.
Now, joe is gone, i have no friends, no plans, and any comfort has totally disappeared.
What is UP with that?
Since I am feeling unsettled and lonely, I'll add to the uncomfortable-ness of this post by posting photos of all my current clutter/mess spots.

These are spots in my house

i continue to procrastinate cleaning up, and i can't figure out why. None of them would take very long to do... None of them are too terrible... But every time i plan to do something about one of them, it's like an invisible force field pushes me as far away from them as possible... And instead i do something totally useless like read a book or play with photos online. I am in a weird weird place right now. Is it the season? Is it me? Is it something I need therapy for??
Here. Play "I Spy" with these horrible photos--

I Spytubes of paint
a guitar
a stack of books
foam stamps
a new old duaflex camera
a teddy bear
my plants
a pair of calf-high boots
a laundry basket full of papers to be filed
a goofy-faced mug
an old-fashioned ladies hat
unused fuzzy socks

Joe's backpack
laundry that needs folding
laundry that needs hanging up
Christmas gifts i still need to mail
a crossword puzzle
"Peeps" by Scott Westerfield.
(click on any photo to see it bigger)
This is so shameful. But kinda funny. And the whole thing has distracted me from my bummer mood-- going around taking pictures, editing them, posting them on here, listening to my iTunes...
So whatever.
I am going to put some real, non-pajama clothes on and go to the grocery store before Sunday hits, then come back and maybe tackle the clothes-folding. Or the paper-sorting. Or, based on past behavior, probably do nothing. *sigh*
I am a LOSER.