
A Grey But Lovely Morning

Friday, November 7, 2008

#1: View from our steps
#2: Baby snuggled on my lap, watching Dad work
#3: Baby venturing out to join Dad at work
#4: Baby back on my lap

Cell phone snaps.... Since the last thing I was thinking about as I headed downstairs to help/watch Joe leaf-blow was taking photographs... It was 8:00am, Noah and I were still in our jammies, and we were just headed out to take care of a necessary chore before the leaf collection truck came into our neighborhood.
I grabbed a box of Rice Chex to sustain the kiddo and I, and we settled on the front steps to watch Joe work his magic. Honestly, watching the leaves obey the manufactured wind was mesmerizing. I was lulled by the sight, Noah was lulled by the sound, and we both absentmindedly grabbed fistfuls of Chex as we let the quiet, grey, gently-paced morning fill us.
Periodically, drops of rain would threaten (you can see them in photo #4)... but never really took over. Joe methodically took care of the leaves, and Noah and I.... we just enjoyed the time outside.

I love these moments-- when I am truly IN the moment, and not worrying about things needing to be done, things not happening, things to try to change/fix/alter...Not worrying, period.

I really love my life. I do. The ways I spend my days are satisfying, fulfilling, and bring me deep joy and satisfaction. It's just that often, I spend much of it thinking ahead, worrying or planning. So too often, I forget how much I really do love my life.

I am grateful for yesterday morning, for the peace of just sitting, just being. It centered me. Prepared me to enter more fully into the present moment, a state of mind I am striving to hang onto for as long as I can before the everyday worries and concerns creep back in.

So far, so good.


  1. What a nice morning. Can you believe how sunny it was by the afternoon though? It really was pretty! I love the picture of little Noah sitting in the leaves. Did he try and eat any of them?

  2. Ooh, I want to sit there with you. That sounds so peaceful and mellow.

    P.S. I don't know if it's just me, but lately I've only been seeing *some* of your photos...for this post, I can only see the first three shots. Anyone else?

  3. oh man. . . that looks so wonderful. I'm so glad it's still temperate enough there for you guys to sit outside. . . I can just smell those leaves. . . mmm

  4. Emily, that was beautiful. And just the words I needed to hear. Thanks for reminding me - such joy when we take the time to notice it.

  5. What a beautiful picture you painted!


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