
Spring Is TRYING So Hard To Get Here....

Friday, March 16, 2007

and I am hanging on 'til it does.

here's the VERY first forsythia bud on our bush. Showed up last tuesday. There's several more, now.

I get to start Spring Break in 12 hours. Guess I should go to bed. It'll come faster.



  1. congrats on spring break! we have to wait until april for ours. i hope you have big plans of wasting time and doing whatever you want. or at least scrapbooking, taking pictures and catching up on your sleep....

  2. LOve the frame and tape ::wink:: That photo is stunning! You rock! Have a fantabulous day today :)

  3. The photos of Asher are from a year and a half ago. I should really cut his hair like that again, it was so cute! I just noticed that the frame I told you about is not scalloped like you wanted :( I know of some scalloped frames at Go to Nancy Comelab's designs there and she has a butt load of them. Hers are the best in my opinion. Katie Pertiet also has some at too. Peace out!

  4. Ok I am feeling a bit stalker-ish! I just went to my digital muse and Nancy Comelab has a grab bag on the main store page that is only $2! I got it and it has some scalloped frames in there in antique and white! There is also a bunch of other stuff in there too! Totally worth the $2 :) Ok I will stop stalking you now ;)

  5. OOOoooooo, I love your depth of field on this pic, neato!


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