(well, technically, the actual blog-a-versary came and went, unnoticed, forgotten, neglected by me... on August 6. but it IS still the anniversary month of my first, inaugural post two years ago in 2006. So it counts. Because I say so.)

Oh wow oh wow... It's hard to believe I have blurted out my randomness for the online world for two whole years now. TWO YEARS. Unsure of just what my new blog was going to BE, but hopeful that it would metamorphosize into something truly representative of ME, hopeful that my dear family and friends would give it a read once in a while, that first post was just a simple, searching introduction-- a "feeler" sent into the blog universe.
I remember exactly how it all started. My friend Melody had emailed me a link to her new blog-- Midwest Madness with the Aanderuds. It was something basic Paul started, with a handful of photos, and it was really cool- something I hadn't seen before. (Granted, Joe and I had procrastinated getting the Internet in our home since being married nearly two years earlier-- something about being worried we'd become online junkies. That hasn't happened at ALL, has it?? *note the sarcasm*). Still-- though I had heard of "blogging", it had never occurred to me that it could be an outlet for photographs as well as stories-- a central place to document a life for loved ones to keep track of. Brilliant! After pondering the vastness of it all, and then seeing that my friend Katie also had one, as well as Kate, I took a deep breath and dove in.
And now? Two years later, my blog has blossomed into something I could have never truly envisioned at the start-- not only is it the journal and photo album I wanted it to be, it has become the hub of an online social life I could have never dreamed would exist. I have new friends that share in my life through this blog, and I theirs. This blog networking has led me to blogs and websites of some of the most creative, inspirational women in the world, some of who may not know ME, but who inspire me all the time with their blogs. I have found peace through this blog. I have found answers. I have laughed, at myself and with others. This one little blog has blossomed into a list of 109 blogs I now subscribe to on Google Reader. Over ONE HUNDRED blogs! All found through comments, posts, links, and emails between blogging friends.
It all amazes me. What a gift this "Little World" has been. And I hope it has been a gift to some of you at one time or another. I hope that as I continue to keep my "online journal", it is not only a place to vent, but to share, to learn, to teach, and to inspire. I certainly am inspired by others' blogs. And 29,400 "hits" don't seem to lie. (and a word about that-- I didn't even put a counter on my blog until August 2007. So there's a whole year of unrecorded "hits" not counted in that total.) What a remarkable thing. Sure, my mom probably contributes 3 or 4 of those hits a day... but she certainly didn't manage the rest of them! So somewhere, someone else is reading this.
Anyway... I've rambled long enough. You guys don't come on here for the WORDS. Boo. You guys come for the photos... and maybe you also pop by every day just hoping I'll finally do a giveaway.
Well, today's your lucky day. In honor of this two-year anniversary, and because I am kinda addicted to having you all as readers, and because I love how happy you all make me, I have something cute, sweet, and HOMEMADE by ME for one lucky reader. This lil' something involves two of my current passions.

Yep-- Cupcakes and aprons!!
This lil' idea is not my own (well, the cupcake part is)... This apron comes from another marvelous Emily, the author of Little Momma and Company.
{apron tutorial here}
So. Time for you lurkers to de-lurk. Even if you are a dude, this lil' apron would make a sweet gift for a wife, girlfriend, mom or sister...And you regular commenters, you're invited, too!
Post a comment telling me something fun-- your favorite song as a teenager, how you found my blog, why you keep reading it, what the name of your ranch would be if you had a ranch-- anything.
At 12:00 midnight Sunday night (the last evening of my blog-a-versary month), I'll take all the comments and draw one out of a hat. Or bucket. Or something. And I'll announce the winner on Monday.
And if aprons aren't your thing, leave a comment anyway. What better time to de-lurk or refresh your love for "Emily's Little World" than on it's blog-a-versary?
I love you guys.
Thanks for the last two years. Here's to many more.

I remember exactly how it all started. My friend Melody had emailed me a link to her new blog-- Midwest Madness with the Aanderuds. It was something basic Paul started, with a handful of photos, and it was really cool- something I hadn't seen before. (Granted, Joe and I had procrastinated getting the Internet in our home since being married nearly two years earlier-- something about being worried we'd become online junkies. That hasn't happened at ALL, has it?? *note the sarcasm*). Still-- though I had heard of "blogging", it had never occurred to me that it could be an outlet for photographs as well as stories-- a central place to document a life for loved ones to keep track of. Brilliant! After pondering the vastness of it all, and then seeing that my friend Katie also had one, as well as Kate, I took a deep breath and dove in.
And now? Two years later, my blog has blossomed into something I could have never truly envisioned at the start-- not only is it the journal and photo album I wanted it to be, it has become the hub of an online social life I could have never dreamed would exist. I have new friends that share in my life through this blog, and I theirs. This blog networking has led me to blogs and websites of some of the most creative, inspirational women in the world, some of who may not know ME, but who inspire me all the time with their blogs. I have found peace through this blog. I have found answers. I have laughed, at myself and with others. This one little blog has blossomed into a list of 109 blogs I now subscribe to on Google Reader. Over ONE HUNDRED blogs! All found through comments, posts, links, and emails between blogging friends.
It all amazes me. What a gift this "Little World" has been. And I hope it has been a gift to some of you at one time or another. I hope that as I continue to keep my "online journal", it is not only a place to vent, but to share, to learn, to teach, and to inspire. I certainly am inspired by others' blogs. And 29,400 "hits" don't seem to lie. (and a word about that-- I didn't even put a counter on my blog until August 2007. So there's a whole year of unrecorded "hits" not counted in that total.) What a remarkable thing. Sure, my mom probably contributes 3 or 4 of those hits a day... but she certainly didn't manage the rest of them! So somewhere, someone else is reading this.
Anyway... I've rambled long enough. You guys don't come on here for the WORDS. Boo. You guys come for the photos... and maybe you also pop by every day just hoping I'll finally do a giveaway.
Well, today's your lucky day. In honor of this two-year anniversary, and because I am kinda addicted to having you all as readers, and because I love how happy you all make me, I have something cute, sweet, and HOMEMADE by ME for one lucky reader. This lil' something involves two of my current passions.

Yep-- Cupcakes and aprons!!
This lil' idea is not my own (well, the cupcake part is)... This apron comes from another marvelous Emily, the author of Little Momma and Company.
{apron tutorial here}
So. Time for you lurkers to de-lurk. Even if you are a dude, this lil' apron would make a sweet gift for a wife, girlfriend, mom or sister...And you regular commenters, you're invited, too!
Post a comment telling me something fun-- your favorite song as a teenager, how you found my blog, why you keep reading it, what the name of your ranch would be if you had a ranch-- anything.
At 12:00 midnight Sunday night (the last evening of my blog-a-versary month), I'll take all the comments and draw one out of a hat. Or bucket. Or something. And I'll announce the winner on Monday.
And if aprons aren't your thing, leave a comment anyway. What better time to de-lurk or refresh your love for "Emily's Little World" than on it's blog-a-versary?
I love you guys.
Thanks for the last two years. Here's to many more.