{southerland's roaring fire and picture-perfect stockings... mmmm!}

{this makes me laugh and laugh.... we are GROWN-UPS, and we still like the Christmas eve sleepover thing. Look at them! Snug as bugs in rugs, they are.}
{the hat, earrings, and necklace are from Mary. The authentic Korean robe is from Mom and Dad Southerland, and the German pancakes are compliments of Joe, who is carrying on his mom's Christmas morning tradition for her while she is overseas with Dad.}
{yeah, my family wears him out. hee-hee...Besides, who DOESN'T love a Christmas midmorning nap??}
Family Photos
{I kinda feel like I'm being unfaithful to Joe with him not in it. Weird. He was stuck in St. Louis working this morning, however... and this was the day I was leaving to go back, so Mom jumped at the opportunity. Sorry, Joe!}