
Let it Snow!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

We woke up this morning to a layer of snow... This, after a gorgeous yesterday with highs of 53 degrees. Noah has been on cloud 9. I, on the other hand, have been chilly and annoyed at the drivers I had to battle as we tried to get to Lucy's 9-month appointment.

(We never made it. After an hour of 3 MPH and only getting 3 miles, with 5 more to go, we had to give up, turn around, and take deep cleansing breaths to get our cheerful attitudes back.)

Ah, but snow--- even with it causing so many little frustrations (I SWEAR I need fingerless gloves to type in this cold corner of our house! Brr!), there is a tiny part of my soul that is still a child, and feels the same flare of excitement at the magic of the white stuff. It gets especially magical to experience it through the eyes of your 4-year-old.

These shots are, (full disclosure), NOT from today.... We did get a bit of snow one other day this season, back on December 27. Joe had the whole week off of work and when Noah awoke to the layer of white stuff, it was all we could do to get him bundled before he dashed out to play.

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What a dapper snow fellow! And what a sweet kiddo standing next to him! :) 


Randoms for the moment....

1. Lucy is NOT napping. She is whiling her time away in her crib, telling stories. I am trying not to notice, or I will get annoyed. The kid is TIRED. Why why why? 

2. Joe's mama, Grandma Vicki, is in town for the week. We are in heaven under her blanket of unconditional love and unflagging energy to play and play and play. I am so happy to have her here! 

3. I am currently sporting.... a ponytail. THANK YOU for so many thoughts and ideas and comments about my Hair Crisis last week. I have a loose plan after all of the comments and ideas, but I am awaiting the next paycheck before I do anything.... Meanwhile, I am doing what I can and working on re-claiming my curls better. I am working on getting them to find their shape better, and working on keeping them untethered for as much of the day as I can stand.... And already there is a difference--- they look more lively and there are more potential "pretty curl" days in my life. Still, today, after wearing it down until 3:00pm (!) I had to tuck it into a loose ponytail (trying not to crush the curl pattern here), and here I am. Ponytail. Still. Oh well. It's cuter than some of the ponytails I manage to sport. 

4. I am, for the most part, in a remarkably good place in my head space and in my life these days. I have alluded to having some recent epiphanies I want to write about, and have yet to actually sit and begin hashing them out into words, but I promise you--- I have had some monumental ideas come through my little head since late summer and have been seeing so many good things change because of them, and really REALLY do intend to ramble on about them on this blog. VERY SOON. You wanna know the MAIN thing keeping me from just sitting down and starting the writing? My silly idea that I want a photograph to accompany the first post, and the fact that I need to go get some things to complete the photo. WHAT A LAME EXCUSE--- waiting for the "perfect moment" to write instead of just DOING it, even if I don't have the dang photo. Seriously.

5. P.S. Lucy is STILL chattering. I am going to have to put her up for sale. Pondering a price now. 

6. I am seizing 2012 back for my photography business. I am working on blog design, website updates, portfolio updates.... I want a "fresh coat of paint", so to speak, and I am working to make it happen before spring hits. 

7. To that end, I am also booking up already. Wow! I am still not taking a FULL load of clients, since I still feel like my balance as a mom relies on me remembering to keep my workload from careening out of control.... And I am still not shooting weddings... But I am excited to see my spots getting snapped up in the coming months. And I'd LOVE to photograph YOU---- so if you're thinking this is the year for a session with me, email me!! Let's talk! 

8. Current TV Series I am Hooked On: The Bachelor (of course. Lamer each season, but a train wreck I enjoy watching). Vampire Diaries. The New Girl. Once Upon a Time. Castle.

9. Current Sewing Project: forcing myself to finish all the unfinished projects I have piled up. Not as fun as grabbing a new idea and running with it, but it will feel good in the end. 

10. Favorite Current Thing About Joe: He has been MARVELOUSLY letting me sleep each morning until the very last minute before he heads to work.... even if the kids get up before then. Seriously, folks--- this guy makes me a better mom and a better human. He really does. 

11. My most visited websites these days: Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo mail, Pinterest, Google Reader

12. My current favorite iPhone games: Angry Birds (a revival after almost a year not playing it. I've got some catching up to do!), Tap N Pop (lame, easy, mindless), Tiny Towers 

13. Current Frustration: I had to send my fancy lens in to get repaired. After only a year since its last repair. It's rough being without this lens, since it is on my camera 94% of the time, usually. (The Canon 24-70 2.8L)

14. Something I am looking forward to: My parents, Noah and I are going to Nauvoo tomorrow evening to hang out and play all day Saturday. We'll do a temple session, check out the visitor's center and the family activity thingy, go to the bluffs to look for bald eagles.... It'll be a fun 36-hr trip away. :) 

15. One last one: DANG THIS COMPUTER CORNER IS FREEEEEEEEZNG. I can barely keep typing because it is so cold and my hands are getting stiff. Ick. Time to go make some cocoa and wrap my fingers around the mug. Because I THINK *shhhh, don't jinx it* Lucy may finally be asleep?????


  1. i need to ask you about lenses. and, you should try downton abbey. you can get it on netflix. the new season just started this last sunday on masterpiece theater on pbs. they'll be showing the first one again this sunday, as well as the second. i. love. it.

  2. Love glimpsing into your life. Although it does make me miss you terribly! So glad your business is going well, but SO SAD we don't live close enough to book you ourselves anymore!! :( I totally know what you mean about ponytails. Think about it: how many times have you seen my hair down? Yep, at church. For 3 hours. And then, regardless of how many hours it took to style it, it goes into a clip or ponytail the moment I get home. But I love the way it looks long and styled, so ponytails for life it is until I get too old to pull off long hair. Love you girl! xoxo

  3. Such a cute snapshot into a few moments in your life. I miss our long rambling emails of the past...I know life makes those impossible for us now, so this was a nice compromise. :)


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