
Mary and Vicki

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My mother-in-law Vicki was in town for two weeks, ending last week, and it was SO NICE to have her here. I know for some of you, it's hard to fathom having a truly close relationship with a mother-in-law, but I have been deeply blessed in the family I married into. Vicki is so kind, generous, thoughtful, giving, and welcoming. She lets me be me, and doesn't judge the way I spend my life with her son.
In addition to Vicki, I also get Mary in the bargain-- my sister-in-law. She and I are the same age, have many of the same interests, and were actually friends before Joe and I ever dated. That set a pretty darn good foundation for Mary's and my lasting friendship.
For the two weeks we all spent together, Vicki lovingly made my crib bedding (photos to come), took Mary and I to the Butterfly House (photos to come), made delicious Korean food (photos to come), spent lots of time with Joe and I talking baby stuff, and even went with us on our hospital tour when we went to see our future maternity ward.
Withdrawals have been rough... After I took Vicki to the airport last Saturday, I felt a bit glum, even though we'll see her again right after Noah is born. She will, in fact, get almost a whole month in St. Louis starting in mid-December. And she'll have Papa Joe with her that time. We really missed him this time around!
Anyway. I just wanted to post a thanks to my girls-in-law, and begin telling a few of our adventures. I have many more pictures of our time together for these two weeks, so look for more soon!


  1. To anyone reading this blog that hasn't met these two women, Emily is 100% right. They are loving and fun. Emily, I'm so glad you were able to spend some time with Joe's family. I can't wait to see your future posts with all your fun photos.

  2. Great blog.. keep it up!

  3. i've only met mary, and that was a long time ago. i didn't realize how much joe looked like his mom. i always love your pictures emily...

  4. I LOVE all the pictures! So wonderful! You did marry into an awesome family (we both did). :) I happen to be just as lucky with Vicki's sister for a mother-in-law! What great people they all are!

  5. I love the beautiful photos! That is so great that you are so close to your in-laws she seems so wonderful!


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