
Day in the Life: Summer 2014, No. 2

Monday, August 4, 2014

Day in the Life, part 2. 
Two weeks ago, I took some photos. I did it really well for 4-ish days. I did not do well at turning around and posting them in a timely fashion. I did manage to blog Day 1.  I then had a full weekend with a visit from my awesome bro, and then a short week with the kiddos before packing them all up and driving with them down to a weekend camping/swimming trip with my parents in Johnson's Shut-Ins. 

Somehow, then, it is TWO WEEKS since taking these photos and setting a goal to post them with immediacy, and well, there ya go. This is me. My life these days. And I have come so so far in the last year when it comes to hanging onto the "shoulds" and the too-high expectations for myself and the lofty visions of the Life I Imagine, and so I am so okay with all of the above. This is life right now. It's all good. 

So. Number 2 of my 4-part Day In The Life: Summer 2014 Edition. Tuesday, July 20-somethingish. 

That kid LOVES my wallet. Troublemaker. And my camera. Pic 2 is him reaching for said camera. I get GREAT eye contact that way, if I move fast enough to get him in focus AND get my camera away from his fingerprints in time. My batting average with this is about .192.

Disney Pandora. Honey Nut Generic Os. Quinn's binkie stash. Noah's PacMan bandaid for a phantom pain. 

Noah continues work on his epic 10-page storyboard from yesterday. Lucy happily holds a crayon NEAR her coloring book. Will she touch down? Will she??????? Hint: Probably not.

Ask him about this sometime. He'll bend your ear for 20 straight minutes with all the details of each detail. 

SammyMaker from my beloved Nov.Mamas. See, girls? I AM USING IT! Happiness!!

1. I eat a real breakfast, thanks to my girls. 2. Lucy has yet to color a mark on that page. 

Quinn Was Here. 

I comb Lulu's hair for the day and she wants to try out her Happy Meal "toy" from a while back-- a clip with a streak of pink hair to wear. I bring her to see herself in the mirror and SHE IS OBSESSED. She loves her pink hair. Actually, I do too. 

(LuluFace, always. This girl.)

While THIS baby is constantly shutting himself into rooms these days. Clever? Dumb? Both? Both. 

Wouldn't be a normal day without a LuluMeltdown. Also, Julia. Julia Days are some of my favorite days. ♥

Because Julia Days also inspire me to get my bum in gear and tidy things alongside her. Hey, Countertop! Looking so much better!

Daily. 1 hour of post-quiet-time Screen Time. Okay, it's almost ALWAYS more than an hour. But don't tell him. He thinks he only gets an hour. 

Mama Selfies. I Was Here. 

Dinner is NOT inspiring me these days. UGH. So grilled cheese and chips and carrots with ranch it is. Whatever. No one starved.

Noah's first ever swim lessons are Tuesdays and Thursdays in July, at 6:00pm. He's loving them. He DOES take those mangy socks off before he gets in the water, I promise. 

Outfit change from a soppy naptime. Finishing her dessert as I snap some pix. I think I am in love with these photos. And see below: Quinn will pose for .04 seconds if he sees someone do it first. Hooray! I love his .04 seconds of photos, too!

Busy baby..... So so busy. I'm glad I put that chair there after a photo session one day (too lazy to bring it back to my prop stash in the basement.) It is perfect right here. 

After Noah's swim lessons? The usual: bedtime routines, stories, sun fading slowly, Joe settling into some decompression time with his laptop and some Netflix X-Files, and me puttering around putting things away, then hopping onto the computer to work and to hang out with my girls on Facebook, and listen to Pandora or watch Netflix miscellany..... Then bed and another day tomorrow. 

And Part 3 and 4 of this series, maybe? Maybe? Could be. :)


  1. love, Love, LOVE your pictures!! Especially Miss Lucy with that pink streak :-D

    LOL on the daily life pics; I remember this time when I thought I'd have every year's scrapbook done by the next birthday...& up to 18 months for Erin & Dillon has a grand total of TWO pages...real life gotta love it :-P

  2. Love that you have these pics. I barely manage to grab a pic of *occasions*, never mind daily life. One of the differences between a born artist/archivist and a reluctant one, I suppose... (though I did get and tweet one of Stratton walking away from the house on the way to school this morning).

    Hopefully we'll get to connect instead of playing tag soon. Maybe I'll try right now. No wait, phone is about out of juice. Sigh.

    Oh well, love you!

  3. Your blog is so refreshing. I love it. It's so REAL LIFE with a twist of whimsy.

    You're the best blogger and photographer.

    The end!

  4. Oh my delightful grand kids and my wonderful daughter who shares them with her world........

  5. Finally getting caught up (again) on everyone's blogs. I definitely recognize those brightly colored Aldi paper plates, haha! And I'm pretty sure I have a towel IDENTICAL to Noah's (Target, yes??).

    Love these pics; love these kids; love you and your family! Keep 'em coming whenever you can! :)


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