
Flashback Friday

Friday, June 22, 2012

2006: Paris, France. Oh, I yearn to go back to France and Italy. 


2008: Noah meets Nolan for the first time.
We'll be repeating this meeting in just over a week. How much they've grown in 4 years! 


2009: Noah and myself at the circus. We just did this again for the first time since then, this past week.
It was still utterly magical. Noah enjoyed it even more as a 4.5 year old.

2010: Noah with his Father's Day gift to Joe. This feels like yesterday to me.
But somehow he's gone from 2.5 to 4.5. So strange. 


2011: Lucy, just over 2 months old. I was enchanted with her eyes, her smiles... But we were starting to realize she was also colicky. This was before it got its worst... I don't have any PTSD feelings when I look at this photo. Just warm fuzzy feelings about her. 



  1. 2006???? that was six years ago?? how did that go by so fast??

  2. That picture of those 2 boys brings joy to my heart to this day. So much fun! Maybe I should make them N shirts again for this weekend. ;)


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