
For Quinn, Who Turned Seven Today

Saturday, January 18, 2020

This sweet third kid of mine, Quinn Atticus... He is away with dad on a neat little trip to Utah, so I don't get to celebrate him in person just yet... But I didn't want to let the day end without a little tribute to his amazing freshly-7-year-old self. He is filled with goodness and light. He is happy by nature, and so loving. He loves people and friends, and has a soft spot for animals, too. He always takes a moment to get on Fiona (the cat)'s level to tell her hi and pet her, which I think is so sweet. He is infinitely patient with Larkin, his only sibling younger than him, when it would be quite easy to be constantly annoyed or bossy with her. 
Quinn has a smattering of faint freckles on the bridge of his nose, and I almost can't handle them, they are so cute. He adores soft pajamas-- even better if they have a hood-- and is in the thick of that "talk about video game apps nonstop" phase... so so excited by everything he is doing in those games. He loves to build things, whether it be out of Legos, Duplos, magnatiles, Lincoln Logs, blocks, or even just modeling clay. He loves to dance and LOVES to laugh. His laugh is still one of the most marvelous sounds I've ever heard on this entire earth. 
He loves me, and that's a gift because he's seen some pretty grumpy moments of mine. But he is so quick to forgive, and his love flows so easily. I hope I continue to deserve this amazing son of mine. At freshly seven years old, he is in that magical place between little and big, and it is an incredibly special place to be in. I hope we all relish it in him while it's here. 
Happy birthday, sweet kiddo. You are a gift. 
{photos from our autumn photo session with Sarah Quiara, who travels and will probably be in your state sometime this year if you want some photos. ♥}

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